Mathey Dearman Machine Cutting Mini-Mag XM, 120V
Unit includes base machine, torch arm, torch carrier assembly, parts and operating manual, 74 inch safety cable for pipe diameters up to 24 inch pipe, torch support, storage box, hose support, two strap hooks and service keys. Not included - machine cutting torch.
Part Number(s):05.0550.MINIXM
Tool Type:
DISCLAIMER: Price is an estimation and does not include any freight/delivery charges, sales tax, titling fees, or registration fees (if applicable). All pricing shown is in USD. Price is subject to change. Submitting a request is simply a request and does not reserve nor guarantee the tool or part. Not all shown inventory is in stock or available. Images displayed may not be the exact tool or representative of the actual tool (material, color, etc.). All specifications, pricing, and availability must be confirmed in writing (directly) with the seller to be binding. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions contained herein, and by using this application or site, you, the customer, acknowledge the foregoing and accept such terms. All descriptions and images of tools are copyrighted material of Custom Truck One Source - unauthorized use or duplication is prohibited.